Mine Planning 3 - Optimization

2 modules


Course length
20 hours

Edumine Courses

$449.00 USD


This course is the third in a set of three courses on Mine Planning and follows on from the previous two Mine Planning courses. Mine Planning 1 - Strategy focused on three of the five main levers for value creation as part of the strategic mine planning process (including mining method selection, process route selection and scale of operation). Mine Planning 2 - Operations then went on to illustrate the use of the final two levers including sequence and scheduling and cut-off grade policy.

Mine Planning 3 - Optimization introduces you to mathematical optimization concepts which often form the basis for many of the computerized planning tools that are commercially available today. It is important to understand how these tools work and the fundamental algorithms behind them to aid the mine planning process.


This course focuses on the use of mathematical optimization techniques and processes. Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to develop basic mathematical programming models and be able to solve this in Excel for the purpose of allocating limited resources for maximum benefit (within the mining context). Coding and scripting are beyond the scope of this course.


  • Dr. Micah Nehring Ph.D.

  • Dr. Sean Shafiee Ph.D.


Duration 20 hours
Access 90 Days
Category Mining
Level Specialize
Version Date September 21, 2017

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Assumed Background

It is assumed that participants have a fundamental knowledge of the mine planning processes and concepts that drive value and the reasons why the planning process for the exploitation of a mineral deposit is fundamentally different to that of most other industries. These concepts are discussed and illustrated in Mine Planning 1 - Strategy and Mine Planning 2 - Operations. If these concepts are not familiar, it is recommended that participants also complete these (or equivalent) courses as a sound background. It is also useful for participants to be familiar with traditional project evaluation concepts—see the Related Courses tab.

Course Content

Mine Planning 3 - Optimization consists of 8 viewing sessions with supporting figures, tables and examples, plus interactive course reviews. The concepts that are addressed in this course may not be easy to grasp at first and may require multiple revisions before a clear understanding is gained. Course participants are expected to thoroughly work through each example by hand (the aid of Microsoft Excel is encouraged) provided within the course. This may be time-consuming; however, it is integral and will ultimately allow a successful completion of the course reviews. Total course duration is equivalent to approximately 20 hours of viewing and exercise content.

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify commonly used algorithms and how they are applied in mine optimization.

  • Identify common types of linear programming problems and how they can be solved to optimize mine performance.

  • Identify alternative programming techniques and how they are applied in mine optimization.

Recommended Background

  • A degree or diploma in geology, mining or related discipline.

  • Fundamental knowledge of the mine planning processes and concepts that drive value.

  • Familiarity with traditional project evaluation concepts.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Edumine Certification

Learning credits

Mine Planning 3 - Optimization
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Learner Survey
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Added 4 days ago, by Anonymous
Added 8 months ago, by Alvaro
Added 9 months ago, by Alfonso Fernandez
Added about 1 year ago, by Anonymous
Added about 2 years ago, by Jason
Added almost 3 years ago, by Miguel Angel
Added about 4 years ago, by Princess
Added over 4 years ago, by Nasser
Added over 4 years ago, by David
A good review of OR principles. Its been over 40 years since I've looked at this stuff.

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