Sustainable Development in Mining

9 modules


Course length
14 hours

Edumine Courses

$399.00 USD


This course is intended for a broad-based audience of managers, professionals, students and concerned stakeholders in mining who require an understanding of the concepts and issues of sustainable development.

Sustainable Development in Mining focuses on the underlying concepts and issues that apply specifically to the mining industry. Included are the sustainable development concepts of...

  • economic growth that preserves the earth's biophysical integrity;
  • optimization of the societal benefits of economic development;
  • system quality... which systems should be preserved/improved;
  • a more equitable distribution of the benefits and burdens of economic growth ... both within the present generation and between present and future generations;
  • greater public participation in the decision-making process.

These concepts are illustrated by numerous case studies and examples from mining projects, and further supported by a discussion of mineral consumption, recycling and resource depletion.


  • Marcello Veiga
  • Stephen Roberts


Duration: 14 Hours
Access: 90 Days
Category: Environment
Level: Cross Train
Version Date: October 10, 2005


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The main topics covered by the course include...

  • a brief history of sustainable development;
  • ethics, the environment and their relationship with sustainable development;
  • implications of sustainable development for the mining industry;
  • case studies in the mining industry;
  • mineral consumption, recycling and mineral depletion.

The course is presented as 16 learning sessions, each of 30 to 60 minutes duration. It includes four interactive review sessions for verification of course learning objectives. Total course duration is equivalent to approximately 14 hours of learning content.

Learning Outcomes

  • Discuss the concepts and issues of sustainable development as they apply to the mining industry.
  • Apply the knowledge gained to better recognize how their activities in mining can contribute to sustainable development.

Recommended Background

  • A basic understanding of the mining process and its contributions and impacts on society.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Edumine Certification

Learning credits

Table of contents
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.scorm') }}
Module 1: Sustainable Development, Ethics and the Environment
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.scorm') }}
Knowledge Check - Module 1: Sustainable Development, Ethics and the Environment
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.exam') }}
Module 2: Sustainable Development and the Mining Industry
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.scorm') }}
Knowledge Check - Module 2: Sustainable Development and the Mining Industry
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.exam') }}
Module 3: Case Studies in the Mining Industry
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.scorm') }}
Knowledge Check - Module 3: Case Studies in the Mining Industry
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.exam') }}
Module 4: Mineral Consumption and Depletion
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.scorm') }}
Knowledge Check - Module 4: Mineral Consumption and Depletion
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.exam') }}
Added 3 months ago, by Fouad
Added about 1 year ago, by Richard
Added over 1 year ago, by John
Added about 4 years ago, by Darren
Added almost 5 years ago, by Fernando
Good course. Some facts and sources can be updated to most recent studies

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