Process Mineralogy 1 for Metals

2 modules


Course length
20 hours

Edumine Courses

$449.00 USD


Process mineralogy combines mineralogical techniques with mineral process unit operations to identify minerals, their associations and characteristics in order to...

  • establish feasibility concepts at the early stages of geological exploration;
  • design processing flowsheets;
  • specify raw materials and marketable products;
  • troubleshoot plants;
  • indicate new uses of minerals.

Process Mineralogy 1 for Metals presents the basic tools of process mineralogy and their application primarily with respect to metals, illustrated by numerous examples. Topics covered include the following.

  • Importance of process mineralogy for mining, mineral processing and metallurgy; definition of raw materials; different sources of raw materials; techniques used in process mineralogy; important mineralogical aspects for mineral concentration and leaching.
  • Analytical techniques used in process mineralogy to identify and quantify minerals and for chemical analysis; principles of optical microscopy; use of the polarizing microscope to identify minerals; transmitted and reflected light.
  • Quantitative mineralogical analysis using optical microscopy; point counting; degree of liberation by the Gaudin method; image analysis.
  • Mineralogical analysis by x-ray diffraction; principles of x-ray generation and diffraction; quantitative XRD methods; use of x-ray fluorescence for chemical analysis.
  • Electron microscopy; scanned and transmitted beams; interaction of electrons with matter; x-ray maps; identification of minerals.
  • Quantitative mineralogical analysis using mineral separation; heavy liquid separation; density gradient; study of mineral liberation using heavy liquids and flotation; study of gold liberation.
  • Quantitative mineralogical analysis based on chemical composition of minerals; mass balance techniques.

Application of process mineralogy to coal and industrial minerals is covered in a companion course titled Process Mineralogy 2 for Coal and Industrial Minerals.


  • Dr. Marcello Veiga


Duration: 20 Hours
Access: 90 Days
Category: Mineral Processing
Level: Specialize
Version Date: January 21, 2005

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Course Content

Process Mineralogy 1 for Metals comprises 20 viewing sessions at both summary and text level of 30 to 60 minutes duration each, plus multiple-choice reviews, and numerous figures, design tables and references. Course duration is equivalent to approximately 20 hours of viewing content.

Learning Outcomes

  • Discuss the importance of process mineralogy for mining, mineral processing and metallurgy.
  • Discuss the principles of optical microscopy, x-ray diffraction, x-ray fluorescence, electron microscopy, mineral separation and mass balance techniques and their application in process mineralogy.
  • Discuss the use of these tools for investigative and quantitative mineralogical analysis.

Recommended Background

  • A partial degree or diploma in geology, mineral processing, mining engineering or related discipline.
  • An understanding of the basic physical and chemical principles of mineralogy and mineral processing.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Edumine Certification

Learning credits

Process Mineralogy 1 for Metals
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