This course provides a non-technical introduction to the use and management of cyanide on a global basis. The course is designed to provide the global picture of cyanide use and how it compares with other chemicals used around the world. Cyanide is used in gold mining operations, however, there is much confusion regarding the real impact of cyanide use in mining. This course attempts to dispel the myths and mysteries surrounding cyanide and provide reliable facts and figures. The course begins with an examination of the production, use, treatment, and transportation of cyanide worldwide, followed by discussions of its technical properties, risks, and management. Subsequent courses in the Cyanide Management in Mining series detail specific technical aspects highlighted in this introductory course.
- Dr. Terry Mudder
4 Hours
90 Days
Originally Published:
August 17, 2018 |
Updated: | July 7, 2021 |
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Learning Outcomes
- Describe (at an overview level) the gold mining industry and how cyanide is critical to the industry.
- Discuss (at a high-level) cyanide chemistry, analysis, toxicity, treatment, risks, and cyanide management in a mining context.
Course Content
This course consists of 9 viewing sessions of 30 minutes each with supporting figures, references, and multiple-choice course reviews. Course duration is equivalent to approximately 4 hours of viewing content.
Recommended Background
- High school science
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Edumine Certification
Learning credits
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