This course discusses the principles and practice of surface water management at mines. It describes best management practices for surface water management at a mine in order to achieve the following objectives. Control surface water in order to prevent pollution of on-site and off-site water resources. Divert excess runoff that may otherwise flood or interfere with mine workings. Limit infiltration to mine waste disposal facilities to control potential pollution of surface water and underground waters resulting from excessive infiltration. Control erosion of the site to limit sediment runoff that may negatively affect receiving waters. Control erosion that may otherwise cause excessive damage to mine closure works. Objectives All mines disturb the surface. All mines change the features of the mine site that affect precipitation runoff, evaporation, streamflow, and erosion. All mines involve grading of the site, diversion of runoff, and placement of wastes that increase or decrease infiltration of surface water to the groundwater. Inevitably at a mine it is necessary to capture and control sediments and other pollutants in surface water, and build and operate the works needed to comply with regulations regarding off-site impact by surface waters running from the mine. Accordingly, this course is intended for all those people at a mine or associated with a mine who may be involved with or responsible for the hydrologic, hydraulic, environmental, civil, and mining engineering works required to manage surface water at a mine. Author Jack Caldwell P.E., MS.(Eng.), LLB Duration 12 Hours Access 90 Days Category Geotechnics Level Specialize Version Date February 22, 2013 Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more

The Design for Underground Metal Mines courses have been written with the mine operator in mind. Numerous conferences, papers and texts have been written on the procedures to gather and analyze data for implementing into a design process. Although there is wide experience and expertise in the design of mine openings, it has not previously been compiled into courses that enable users to engineer their work place based upon past experience and practice augmented by sound engineering principles. Mining is a dynamic process which requires in excess of thousands of cubic metres of openings to be developed daily over the life of a mining operation. Those openings may be for development and/or production purposes, however all cases must be designed so as to ensure the required behaviour. The site engineer therefore, must design the mine opening or pillars after addressing all issues relevant to the design and assessment of the overall behaviour. These courses are designed to give the operator a design procedure that has been developed in conjunction with academia and practicing operations. This design procedure has been implemented at over twenty underground metal mines around the world. The courses reference numerous authors in the field and apply their findings to arrive at tools for design. The geomechanics design group at the University of British Columbia has been instrumental in developing the design curves presented here along with the direction and sponsorship of CANMET and mining operations throughout Canada. Design Parameters is the first of two Design for Underground Metal Mines courses by the author. The companion course is Design Guidelines. Design Parameters provides the necessary background, in terms of input parameters for stress, structure, rock mass characterization, failure criteria and support procedures, for the design principles presented in the companion course. Authors Dr. Rimas Pakalnis Duration: 12 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Geotechnics Level: Specialize Version Date: January 7, 2005 Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more

The scale and nature of mining projects may result in impacts to the receiving environment, including groundwater resources. These impacts need to be quantified before undertaking the project and throughout the mining lifecycle to ensure regulatory compliance, project sustainability, and environmental protection. Common groundwater impacts associated with mining projects may include: aquifer drawdown and/or reduction in groundwater flow due to pumping from groundwater production wells and/or dewatering of open pit/underground workings; loss of groundwater discharge to surface water such as springs, lakes or streams (of particular significance during winter baseflow conditions) due to aquifer drawdown/dewatering related to mining activities; seepage and associated contaminant transport from mine waste units such as waste rock piles, heap leach piles, tailings storage facilities, backfilled and/or flooded pits/underground workings; and off-site migration of contaminant plumes in groundwater aquifers (originating from mine waste units) and potential discharge of contaminants into the receiving surface water (springs, lakes or streams). The use of numerical groundwater models enables decision makers to study and evaluate potential impacts of large and complex mining projects. Sophisticated models and modelling platforms are, however, no guarantee of good modelling practice. The complexities of groundwater models used for impact assessment may even lead to misuse and/or misinterpretation. This course on groundwater modelling describes the broader concepts of groundwater modelling related to impact assessment for mining projects. Yet, these guidelines reflect generally accepted best practices in groundwater modelling and as such should be applicable to a wide range of groundwater modelling applications. This groundwater modeling course is based on the British Columbia Groundwater Modelling Guidelines which were commissioned by the British Columbia Ministry of Environment (BC MoE). This course has been modified and condensed to suit the format and (international) audience of an Edumine course. Authors Christoph Wels Dan Mackie Jacek Scibek Lawrence Charlebois Paul Ferguson Duration: 6 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Geotechnics Level: Specialize Version Date: June 28, 2013 Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more
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