Edumine is the world's leading provider of training and education to the mining industry. We offer individuals, corporations and educators effective solutions.

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About the Course This course provides a non-technical introduction to the basic concepts of mineral consumption and recycling, with numerous examples, figures and images of mining.  Explore the complex dynamics of mineral consumption, supply, demand, and recycling, and their implications on the mining industry and global resources. Explore sustainable mining practices and the role of small-scale miners in today’s global economy. Learn about recycling's impact as a complementary approach to mining, and its environmental and economic benefits. Explore the dynamics of recycling through concepts such as the "Law of Recycling", recycling rates, recovery rates, and the challenges in the recycling process. Learn about different metals, their recycling timelines, and the factors influencing effective recycling. Audience High school science Author Dr. Marcello Veiga Need to train a team?  Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs.  Learn More Read more

Planificación minera 1: Estrategia le presenta los conceptos clave de la planificación minera. El proceso de planificación minera es complejo e integra varias ramas técnicas de la disciplina minera, incluidas la mecánica de rocas, la rotura de rocas, la ventilación y el diseño de minas. Si bien los planificadores de minas deben esforzarse por diseñar e implementar planes que sean seguros, ambientalmente sostenibles y socialmente aceptables, el factor primordial en el éxito de una operación minera y lo que en última instancia determina si se llevará a cabo a través de estudios de factibilidad y luego se llevará a cabo la construcción y el desarrollo es el nivel de rentabilidad. El impulso para explotar un recurso mineral de manera que agregue tanto valor como sea posible al negocio minero requiere una actualización continua del plan de la mina y la rápida implementación de cualquier oportunidad de agregar valor a medida que surja. Se supone que los participantes del curso tienen un buen conocimiento de los términos y descripciones de la minería, han estado expuestos a métodos de minería de superficie y subterránea, están familiarizados con el desarrollo, las operaciones y la producción mineras y están interesados ​​en aprender a planificar una mina con el propósito de maximizar el valor. También se espera que los participantes del curso tengan conocimientos básicos de mecánica de rocas, rotura de rocas, ventilación, equipos mineros típicos y otros fundamentos técnicos que forman la plataforma y las limitaciones para generar planes mineros. Alcance Este curso se centra en los conceptos principales asociados con la investigación del impacto financiero de una serie de palancas clave en el valor de un plan minero. Este curso no investiga los conceptos técnicos básicos necesarios en la minería. Se supone que se han establecido todos los parámetros técnicos y que son factibles. Por lo tanto, el enfoque se centra en establecer la optimización financiera mediante la planificación y la generación del mejor plan minero. Este curso tampoco enseña el uso de software de planificación y diseño de minas que, en algunos casos, puede incorporar los conceptos analizados en el mismo. Autores: Micah Nehring Shahriar Shafiee Duración: 14 horas Categoría: Minería Fecha de la versión: 16 de septiembre de 2013   Read more

About the Course This course provides a non-technical introduction to the basic concepts of mineral exploration, ore extraction, mineral processing, and mine waste management, with numerous examples, figures and images of mining.  Explore the essential geological concepts, mechanisms of mineral formation, and techniques for finding mineral deposits. Understand the structure of the Earth, mineral definitions, and ore grades. Learn about the contrasting formation processes of two types of carbons. Understand the geological conditions for carbon formation and their global distribution. Explore the process of how weathering forms metal deposits. Understand the conditions and chemical reactions involved. Learn about various ore deposit exploration methods, from remote sensing to drilling, and understand their importance in the mining industry. Audience High school science Author Dr. Scott Dunbar Need to train a team?  Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs.  Learn More Read more

About the Course This course covers the essential considerations for preparing National Instrument 43-101 technical reports, including its history, components, rules, guidelines, and sources for additional information. Learn the essential considerations, stages, international definitions, best practices, and public disclosure requirements in the preparation of National Instrument 43-101 Technical Reports for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves. This course provides a detailed overview of the Companion Policy section of NI 43-101, including its general guidance, key requirements, and best practices. It is essential for Qualified Persons (QPs) to understand these policies to comply with regulatory standards in the mining industry The course consists of four modules each with supporting figures, tables and examples, plus interactive course reviews. Course duration is equivalent to approximately 9 hours of viewing content. About the Audience Participants should ideally have a background in geology, mining engineering, or mineral processing, as the course focuses on the technical and regulatory aspects of mineral resource reporting. Professionals with knowledge of regulatory frameworks, finance, or investment in the mining sector would also benefit, as NI 43-101 plays a key role in resource valuation and compliance. The course is most suited for geologists, mining engineers, consultants, and legal or finance professionals in the mining industry. Prior knowledge of technical reports in mining would be advantageous. About the Author Reno Pressacco is a consulting Mineral Resource geologist.  He holds a Masters Degree from McGill university and has over 37 years of experience spent in such roles as mineral exploration, mine development, mine production, and as a consultant to the mining industry. During his career he has played a key role in identifying the economic potential of the Matachewan gold deposit (Ontario) at the exploration stage.  This deposit achieved commercial production in 2013 and is now known as the Young-Davidson mine.  The Young-Davidson mine produced approximately 190,000 ounces to 205,000 ounces of gold in 2021 and is forecasted to produce between 185,000 to 205,000 ounces of gold for 2022 .  He was also fortunate to participate in the early stages of the Cerro Negro deposit (Argentina) where he was involved in the discovery phase and prepared some of the initial Mineral Resource estimates for the Eureka Vein.  The Cerro Negro mine produced approximately 260,000 ounces of gold in 2021. More recently he has participated in the crafting of the CIM Mineral Exploration Best Practices Guidelines (2018) and the CIM Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Best Practices Guidelines (2019).  He received the CIM Robert Elver award in 2020.  He is a member of the CIM Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Committee and the United Nations Expert Group on Resource Management. He received the CIM Robert Elver award in 2020 and is a CIM Distinguished Lecturer for 2024/2025. Need to train a team?  Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs.  Learn More Read more

Metso, like its customers, understands the pressures imposed by rapidly changing technology, and the need to do more with less. In this new business environment, education and training programs have even greater importance in the maintenance and development of a company’s intellectual capital, arguably it’s most important asset. To address the needs of the plant operators, Metso Technology Development has developed a unique computer based training system (CBT). It focuses on generic principles aimed at equipping people with the knowledge to make safer, faster and better decisions. Grinding 1 - Fundamentals is a course for process engineers, mill operators and mineral processing students. This course is the first of a suite of three courses on grinding engineering from Metso Performance Solutions... the companion titles are Grinding 2 - Unit Operations and Grinding 3 - Circuits. A partial list of topics covered by this course includes Mineral Processing Basics, Particles, Slurries, Comminution, Classification, Dynamics, Physics and General Mill Safety. In recent years the mineral processing industry has downsized its labor force, installed new technology with larger equipment and incorporated plant wide automation, all in an effort to improve productivity and performance while maintaining operating cost at a minimum. As a consequence of these actions the operator is now required to make more and better informed decisions. To meet the educational needs at the mill operation level Metso has developed a Computer Based Mill Operator Education Program. The full program includes a suite of mineral processing courses for mill operators and process engineers on Grinding and Flotation which have been adapted for Web presentation on Edumine. The program is presented by Edumine as online self-paced, self-learning courses. The courses include online certification as well as performance tracking and reporting. For information on the courses, contact Well-trained operators mean higher profits, more throughput, safer operation, better morale, better grade and recovery and improved communication. Authors Metso Performance Solutions Duration: 11 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Mineral Processing Level: Specialize Version Date: May 26, 2014 ​Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Read more

Most mines produce tailings: the ultimate waste product that results from mining the ore body, processing the ore, and recovering the valuable metals and minerals. The tailings are the waste product that results from mining, crushing, grinding, and chemically treating the ore. This course covers tailings as part of the mining process, tailings types and characteristics, tailings facility types and components, and tailings facility design, performance, construction, operation and closure... illustrated by case histories. This course is for anyone involved in the different aspects of tailings listed above, including engineers, environmentalists, geologists, operators and regulators. Author Jack Caldwell P.E., MS.(Eng.), LLB   Duration 19 Hours Access 90 Days Category Geotechnics Level Cross Train Version Date April 20th, 2012   Read more

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