Este curso se desarrolla según un acuerdo de colaboración con Learning Strategies Group, una división de Simon Fraser University Business. Es parte de una serie de cursos sobre aplicaciones para la administración de negocios en minería.Comprender y manejar las interacciones entre el negocio, la comunidad y el gobierno se está convirtiendo en un componente de competencia administrativa y éxito organizacional cada vez más importante. El enfoque de este curso está en destacar la naturaleza y las dinámicas de interacción entre distintos actores con diferentes objetivos y preocupaciones (corporaciones mineras, comunidades, Primeras Naciones, grupos de interés, sindicatos, gobiernos) y el desarrollo de perspectivas, herramientas y estrategias que los líderes y gerentes de hoy pueden usar en terreno y en la sala de reuniones. Algunos ejemplos de los temas tratados, incluyen: Comprender responsabilidad y relaciones; Reconocer poder y valores; Convertir diferencias en ventajas; Crear expectativas claras como una base para relaciones que funcionan eficazmente; Desarrollar la capacidad de anticipar problemas y establecer estructuras proactivas para abordar las discusiones cuando éstas surgen; Reconocer y valorar las relaciones como ventajas; Saber cómo y cuándo usar negocación y consenso de manera apropiada y eficaz dentro de las organizaciones y con intereses externos y partes interesadas; Crear resultados sustentables mediante relaciones sustentables. Traducción al español La traducción de este curso al español ha sido auspiciada por Goldcorp Central America. Authors Glenn Sigurdson QC Duration: 8 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Environment Level: Specialize Version Date: Mayo 6, 2011 Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more
Mining involves the design, construction, operation, and closure of many geotechnical structures, including: access roads, structural building pads and foundations, ponds, tailings facilities, heap leach pads, and waste rock dumps. Geosynthetics are polymeric materials used extensively in mine geotechnical structures to enhance the performance of such structures. Geosynthetics are used in conjunction with soils and rocks to increase the overall strength of these materials, to control seepage from mine wastes and through soils and rocks, and to separate soils of different gradation and hence to limit piping and potential failure of soil structures. This course introduces you to the types of geosynthetics used in mine structures, to the ways in which geosynthetics may be used to build safe mine structures, and to the many details that will make it possible for you to use geosynthetics at your mine to reduce costs and protect the environment. This course describes many case histories of the successful use of geosynthetics in mining, thereby introducing concepts, ideas, details, and practical applications that you may copy or adapt to the specifics of your mine's needs and facilities. Authors Jack Caldwell Colleen Crystal Tarik Hadj-Hamou Duration: 9 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Geotechnics Level: Specialize Version Date: September 3, 2014 Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more
Se presta especial atención en ayudar a los participantes en la comprensión de los principios de suministro y diseño, junto con la definición de la terminología y los recursos, con el fin de aplicar estos conceptos a las necesidades locales, los procedimientos y orden de funcionamiento. Se brindan las respuestas a problemas operacionales prácticos relacionados con el diseño del camino de transporte de la mina, tales como: ¿Por qué se necesitan caminos buenos? ¿Cuáles son los beneficios de tener una infraestructura de caminos mejorada? ¿Qué aspectos críticos operacionales deben de ser considerados en el diseño de caminos? Equipos, materiales y métodos. ¿Qué se necesita? ¿Cómo puede usted interpretar un diseño en técnicas prácticas de construcción? ¿Cuándo es apropiado el uso de supresores de polvo? ¿Cómo selecciona el producto adecuado y su método de aplicación? ¿Cómo calificaría o evaluaría usted el estándar del diseño de un camino? ¿Qué ve usted, qué significa y cómo identificaría la causa de un problema del camino? ¿Cómo podría usted determinar la resistencia al rodamiento y qué significaría reducirla? Authors Prof. Roger J Thompson Duration 20 horas Access 90 Days Category Mining Level Specialize Version Date 20 de septiembre de 2013 Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more
The cyanidation process for the extraction of gold and silver from ore has been employed since 1898 when it was first used in New Zealand and Africa and soon after in the United States. It is a very efficient process capable of extracting gold in amounts of less than one percent of an ounce from a ton of rock with over 90% efficiency. Because of the environmental risks, a cyanide management plan is of critical importance to a mining operation. The lack of such a plan, in some cases, has contributed to adverse environmental incidents involving cyanide. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is developing an international code for the management of cyanide. Implementation and adherence to this code, augmented by experienced scientific and engineering judgment, will help reduce both the number and severity of environmental incidents involving cyanide. The "Cyanide Management in Mining" courses attempt to provide the user with the necessary background for development of a cyanide management plan that meets the unique requirements of each operating mine. The full complement of courses in the series includes: Chemistry of Free and Complexed Cyanide Analysis of Cyanides Geochemical Properties and Environmental Fate of Cyanide Toxicity and Environmental Properties of Cyanide Water Management and Discharge Strategies Treatment Technologies for Cyanide and Related Compounds "Geochemical Properties and Environmental Fate of Cyanide" is the third in the series of six courses. This course covers the attenuation mechanisms applicable to cyanide and their effectiveness in different metallurgical and environmental contexts, including surface ponds, tailings, heap leach, soil and groundwater. This course comprises 12 viewing sessions, each of 30 - 60 minutes duration, plus supporting figures, tables and references, and three interactive reviews that confirm achievement of the learning objectives. Authors Dr. Terry Mudder Duration 10 Hours Access 90 Days Category Environmental Level Specialize Published August 3, 2006 Updated October 13, 2021 Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more
This course discusses the principles and practice of surface water management at mines. It describes best management practices for surface water management at a mine in order to achieve the following objectives. Control surface water in order to prevent pollution of on-site and off-site water resources. Divert excess runoff that may otherwise flood or interfere with mine workings. Limit infiltration to mine waste disposal facilities to control potential pollution of surface water and underground waters resulting from excessive infiltration. Control erosion of the site to limit sediment runoff that may negatively affect receiving waters. Control erosion that may otherwise cause excessive damage to mine closure works. Objectives All mines disturb the surface. All mines change the features of the mine site that affect precipitation runoff, evaporation, streamflow, and erosion. All mines involve grading of the site, diversion of runoff, and placement of wastes that increase or decrease infiltration of surface water to the groundwater. Inevitably at a mine it is necessary to capture and control sediments and other pollutants in surface water, and build and operate the works needed to comply with regulations regarding off-site impact by surface waters running from the mine. Accordingly, this course is intended for all those people at a mine or associated with a mine who may be involved with or responsible for the hydrologic, hydraulic, environmental, civil, and mining engineering works required to manage surface water at a mine. Author Jack Caldwell P.E., MS.(Eng.), LLB Duration 12 Hours Access 90 Days Category Geotechnics Level Specialize Version Date February 22, 2013 Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more
Underground Mining Methods and Equipment is intended as both a course and a technical reference for an audience of engineers, operators, contractors, consultants, regulators, practising geoscientists and students in the mining sector. The course provides a comprehensive introduction and reference for those who require a solid grounding in selection, design and development of mining methods and equipment. Mining method selection is based upon physical, geological, economical and environmental conditions and constraints. Equipment selection is based upon mining method and related production, performance and cost requirements. Principal course topics include the following. Introductions to underground mining methods, equipment and basic requirements. Mining methods and their application for room and pillar, sublevel stoping, shrinkage stoping, vertical retreat, cut and fill, longwall mining, sublevel caving, block caving, square set mining and other methods. Layout and design of underground mine development and equipment requirements. Equipment and selection for drilling, drifting, production, raising, shaft sinking, loading and hauling. Development and production estimation and costing (note - all costing and estimation information within the course were upgraded to current industry values as of 2012). This is a premium course which has been peer-reviewed by a committee appointed by the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) and the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME). Authors Dr. Rimas Pakalnis Duration: 20 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Mining Level: Specialize Version Date: January 26, 2015 Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more
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