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This is the second of two courses by the author on valuation of mineral properties. The first course, Mineral Property Valuation 1 - Standards and Guidelines, covers the development, requirements and application of international standards and guidelines for mineral property valuation. It focuses on the CIMVAL Standards and Guidelines, developed by the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, and their relationship with National Instrument NI 43-101 for mineral project reporting. Mineral Property Valuation 2 - Approaches and Methods covers the full range of valuation methods available based on cost, market and income approaches, with numerous examples. The different methods are discussed in terms of concept, application, data requirements, methodology, strengths and weaknesses. Authors Lawrence Devon Smith   Duration: 10 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Financials Level: Specialize Version Date: October 28, 2009 ​Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More   Read more

This is the first of two courses by the author on valuation of mineral properties. Mineral Property Valuation 1 - Standards and Guidelines covers the development, requirements and application of international standards and guidelines for mineral property valuation. It focuses on the CIMVAL Standards and Guidelines, developed by the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, and their relationship with National Instrument NI 43-101 for mineral project reporting. The second course, Mineral Property Valuation 2 - Approaches and Methods, covers the numerous approaches and methods for mineral property evaluation and their requirements and application. Authors Lawrence Devon Smith   Duration: 6 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Financial Level: Specialize Version Date: September 1, 2009 ​Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More   Read more

This course is intended for professional engineers and geoscientists concerned with mineral project reporting for an issuer on a Canadian stock exchange. It is also a reference source of mineral project reporting standards for property owners, securities analysts, and regulators. The course provides guidance for the preparation of a technical report under National Instrument 43-101—Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, Form 43-101 F1—Technical Report, and Companion Policy 43-101 CP (NI 43-101). NI 43-101 establishes the standards for all public disclosure of scientific and technical information about a mineral project. NI 43-101 became effective on February 1, 2001 and is a law applicable across Canada. It requires that all disclosure be based on advice provided by a "qualified person" and in some circumstances that the person be independent of the issuer and the property. NI 43-101 also requires that issuers file technical reports at specific times and in a prescribed format. This course has been revised to the version of National Instrument 43-101 published April 8, 2011, which became effective law in Canada on June 30, 2011. The course also considers all amendments to National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects up until May 9, 2016. This is a premium course which has been peer-reviewed by a committee appointed by the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) and the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME). Authors Reno Pressacco   Duration: 8 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Exploration Level: Specialize Version Date: May 1, 2018 ​Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More   Read more

This course covers the fundamentals of mobile mining equipment product support contracts. The underlying ideas have been developed and tested at sites globally since 1982. The scope is confined to large surface mining vehicles: haul trucks, shovels, rotary drills, and support equipment. The course provides background to the evolution of mining equipment product support contracts followed by an overview of the primary types of product support contracts offered in the mining industry (including their features, commercial terms, and administration). It also describes risks and mitigation strategies as well as key management issues that need to be addressed for a product support contract to succeed. The course is intended for mining professionals who are engaged in the maintenance process, either in line functions or in consulting roles, whether they are designing programs or delivering them. It is also a course that will help professionals in other functions at a mining operation or consulting company to understand the maintenance setting. The companion course Maintenance 101: Mobile Mining Equipment covers the fundamentals of mobile mining equipment maintenance for large surface mining vehicles. Authors Michael Currie   Duration: 3 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Maintenance Level: Introduce Version Date: August 17, 2018 ​Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More   Read more

Este curso ha sido traducido al español por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú con el patrocinio de la Compañía Minera Antamina S.A. Este curso está dirigido a ingenieros y geocientíficos profesionales dedicados a informar sobre proyectos mineros a un emisor en el mercado de valores canadiense. Asimismo, es una fuente de referencia de los estándares para informes sobre proyectos mineros para los tenedores de propiedades, analistas de valores y entidades reguladoras en general.Este curso ha sido desarrollado y revisado para el Programa de Desarrollo Profesional del Instituto Canadiense de Minería, Metalurgia y Petróleo.El curso proporciona los lineamientos para la preparación de un informe técnico bajo el Instrumento Nacional 43-101 - Estándares de Divulgación para Proyectos Mineros, Formulario 43-101 F1 - Informe Técnico y Política Relacionada 43-101 CP (NI 43-101). El NI 43-101 establece los estándares para toda divulgación pública de información técnico-científica sobre proyectos mineros. El NI 43-101 entró en vigencia el 1 de febrero de 2001 y es una ley que se aplica en Canadá. Esta establece que toda revelación debe basarse en las recomendaciones hechas por una "Persona Calificada " y, en algunas circunstancias, que esa persona sea independiente del emisor y la propiedad. El NI 43-101 también establece que los emisores presenten estos reportes técnicos en fechas específicas y formatos preestablecidos. Este curso ha sido revisado en base a la versión del Instrumento Nacional 43-101 publicado el 8 de abril de 2011, el cual entró en vigencia en Canadá el 30 de junio de 2011. Autores Reno Pressacco   Duration: 12 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Exploration Level: Cross Train Version Date: Julio 18, 2012   ​Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more

This Edumine course will introduce participants to the principles of mine haul road design, from road building material selection and characterisation, road-user (truck and traffic) requirements, through to performance benchmarking and evaluation as a basis for road maintenance management decision making. These skills will enable participants to evaluate their current haul road systems, recognise operational inefficiencies and implement continuous improvement strategies to reduce cost per ton hauled across the mine road network and improve road performance on a day-to-day operational basis. The training will provide participants with answers to practical mine haul road-operational issues such as: Why are good roads necessary - what are the benefits of an improved haul road design and infrastructure? What critical operational aspects should a road design consider? Equipment, materials and methods - what is required? How do you translate a design into practical construction techniques? When are dust palliatives appropriate - and how do they influence road management and cost per ton hauled? How do you benchmark a road design - what do you see, what does it mean and how do you fix the problem? Author Prof. Roger J Thompson   Duration: 20 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Mining Level: Specialize Version Date: May 6, 2014 ​Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More   Read more

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