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This course is for anyone who needs to interface with the mining industry: suppliers of equipment and services, government and regulators, administrative and support staff. In short, anyone who needs answers to questions like the following. Do you know who Robert Friedland is? Or Ivan Glasenberg? Do you know what Escondida is? Or where it is? Or Oyu Tolgoi? Or Grasberg? What is NI43-101? … The Equator Principles? … Copiapo? … Bre-X? … PDAC? What percentage of GDP in Australia is accounted for by mining and mineral processing? If you complete this course, you will. You won't learn everything about the technical aspects of mining, but you will learn what is current, topical and important in today's mining scene. In short, you will get a comprehensive overview of the mining industry. And you will get links to sources of information where you can find everything else. We hope that you will find the course so useful that it becomes your gateway for information on any mining topic. The 2022 version of the course has been extensively updated and improved: charts and figures have been brought up to date and improved; many images have been replaced and some have been added; all online links have been verified and/or updated as necessary; mining people, companies and salaries have been brought up to date; and a new commodities section has been added for Lithium. Authors Julian Houlding (Co-Author) Simon W. Houlding MSc P.Eng (Co-Author)   Duration: 10 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Mining Level: Introduce Version Date: April 2022             Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more

Most mines produce tailings: the ultimate waste product that results from mining the ore body, processing the ore, and recovering the valuable metals and minerals. The tailings are the waste product that results from mining, crushing, grinding, and chemically treating the ore. This course covers tailings as part of the mining process, tailings types and characteristics, tailings facility types and components, and tailings facility design, performance, construction, operation and closure... illustrated by case histories. This course is for anyone involved in the different aspects of tailings listed above, including engineers, environmentalists, geologists, operators and regulators. Author Jack Caldwell P.E., MS.(Eng.), LLB   Duration 19 Hours Access 90 Days Category Geotechnics Level Cross Train Version Date April 20th, 2012   Read more

Metals, Ore Deposits and Minerals is the first in a series of two courses on extractive metallurgy by the author, written for university students as well as practicing engineers and metallurgists. Extractive metallurgy deals with ores as raw material and metals as finished products. Metallurgy has been transformed into a modern science as a result of developments in chemistry and chemical engineering. This series of courses is an introduction to the subject based in part on a course offered by the American Chemical Society under the title Metallurgical Chemistry. The full series includes... Metals, Ore Deposits and Minerals Mineral Beneficiation Metals, Ore Deposits and Minerals covers an introduction to metallurgy, properties of metals and their structures in the context of the Periodic Table, commercial classification of metals and their uses, metal production and recycling, mineral occurrences and prospecting/mining of ores, properties of mineral and ores, and sources of minerals. Authors Fathi Habashi   Duration: 16 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Mineral Processing Level: Specialize Version Date: November 12, 2009 ​Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More   Read more

Este curso está dirigido a cualquier persona interesada en las relaciones comunitarias sustentables en la minería: profesionales, gerentes, encargados de regulaciones, ONG, líderes de la comunidad y estudiantes graduados. En este curso se explica cómo una compañía minera puebe obtener y mantener una licencia social para operar.Se presenta un caso de negocio para recursos dedicados a la licencia social y se describe el retorno que espera una compañía de cada nivel de licencia. El curso también explora lo que se puede hacer para que el otorgande de una licencia sea políticamente más estable, con el fin de reducir el riesgo sociopolítico y mejorar la disposición de la comunidad para un desarrollo sustentable. El curso muestra de qué manera se superponen estas actividades y las áreas de responsabilidad social corporativa, ciudadanía corporativa e informes sustentables. En este curso se explica qué es una licencia social, por qué es importante para las compañías mineras y cómo la teoría de gerencia general conocida como la "visión de dependencia del recurso de la ventaja competitiva" explica de qué manera las relaciones con las partes interesadas afectan la factibilidad y el éxito de un proyecto. También se describen los cuatro niveles de licencia social y los tres criterios de límites que se deben cumplir para pasar de un nivel a otro; se examinan factores comunes que pueden provocar que el nivel de licencia social suba o baje. Además se indagan los conceptos de análisis de licencia social para explorar las diferentes formas en que una comunidad podría ser incapaz de emitir una licencia social que sea durable y legítima socialmente y ve más allá de las políticas de las partes interesadas en los patrones de capital social que pueden mejorar la capacidad de una comunidad para emitir una licencia social sólida, al tiempo que eleva el nivel de la licencia social que entrega al comunidad a la compañía. También se integra la obtención y la mantención de una licencia social con tareas relacionadas en los campos de responsabilidad social corporativa, informes sustentables y mejoras de reputación corporativa. Authors Robert Boutilier Ian Thomson   Duration: 9 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Leadership Level: Specialize Version Date: Septiembre 15, 2014 Read more

This introductory course is intended for anybody involved in mining who has to manage, review, pay for, design, construct, operate, or close a geotechnical structure at a mine. Included in the mining-related geotechnical structures you will study in this course are the obvious: tailings impoundments, waste rock dumps, and heap leach pads. Once you have finished this course you will know enough to deal with anything on the mine that is made of soil, rock, and those modern materials called geosynthetics. This course is not intended to make you into a geotechnical engineering specialist. It will introduce you to and provide you with plenty of practical information and knowledge about those aspects of geotechnical engineering that occur at every mine. This includes geotechnical characterization of a site, soil characterization and properties, the design of geotechnical structures, and the construction, operation, and closure of mining facilities made or consisting of soil, rock, and geosynthetics. The following primary aspects of geotechnical engineering are covered for each of the major geowaste structures at a mine: Site Exploration Soil Characterization Soil Performance Design and Construction Operation of Mine Geowaste Facilities Closure of Mine Geowaste Facilities Summary of Geotechnical Factors The course includes numerous case studies from the author's extensive experience. Authors Jack Caldwell P.E., MS.(Eng.), LLB   Duration: 22 Hours Access: 90 days Category: Geotechnics Level: Specialize Version Date: June 23, 2010   ​Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more

In this course, we focus on groundwater theory and practice applicable to mines and the specifics of open pits, shafts, underground mine workings, heap leach pads, waste rock dumps, and tailings impoundments. We discuss, for each of these facilities, the principles of groundwater and facility design & operation that apply and must be implemented to control and protect groundwater and surface water. This course is one of a series of related courses, some of which are still in development, including Groundwater in Mining Surface Water Management at Mines Mine Water Balance Analysis Authors Jack Caldwell   Duration 14 Hours Access 90 Days Category Geotechnics Level Specialize Version Date January 22, 2016   ​Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more

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