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This introductory course is intended for anybody involved in mining who has to manage, review, pay for, design, construct, operate, or close a geotechnical structure at a mine. Included in the mining-related geotechnical structures you will study in this course are the obvious: tailings impoundments, waste rock dumps, and heap leach pads. Once you have finished this course you will know enough to deal with anything on the mine that is made of soil, rock, and those modern materials called geosynthetics. This course is not intended to make you into a geotechnical engineering specialist. It will introduce you to and provide you with plenty of practical information and knowledge about those aspects of geotechnical engineering that occur at every mine. This includes geotechnical characterization of a site, soil characterization and properties, the design of geotechnical structures, and the construction, operation, and closure of mining facilities made or consisting of soil, rock, and geosynthetics. The following primary aspects of geotechnical engineering are covered for each of the major geowaste structures at a mine: Site Exploration Soil Characterization Soil Performance Design and Construction Operation of Mine Geowaste Facilities Closure of Mine Geowaste Facilities Summary of Geotechnical Factors The course includes numerous case studies from the author's extensive experience. Authors Jack Caldwell P.E., MS.(Eng.), LLB   Duration: 22 Hours Access: 90 days Category: Geotechnics Level: Specialize Version Date: June 23, 2010   ​Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more

This course is aimed at helping those who wish to read and interpret the financial statements of mining companies. It assumes the reader has no formal training or background in accounting but does have a general interest in business with a leaning towards mining. Furthermore, this course assumes a managerial or investor approach rather than that of accountant or bookkeeper. We look at financial statements for their organization, information content and limitations. In short, you will not learn any bookkeeping or debits and credits but rather you will see numerical data and narrative-based descriptions prepared by mining companies. You will learn to use various analytical tools. Simplified fictional examples and actual published reports are used to illustrate various concepts. A brief glossary and a source of further information appear in an Appendix. The course has six primary topics as follows, separated into three parts. This course was formerly entitled Understanding Financial Statements of Mining Companies Under IASB and FASB Regulations. Part 1 Introduction to Accounting and Financial Reports The Statement of Financial Position Part 2 The Statement of Income Part 3 The Cash Flow Statement The Statement of Changes in Equity Notes and Analytical Tools Accounting Standards Financial reporting today is governed by essentially two sets of accounting regulations—those of the United States, through its Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), and those of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). In this course, both sets of regulations are treated as one agreed-upon set of concepts, principles and guidelines where appropriate. Differences are highlighted wherever they occur. Where there is agreement or the differences are minimal, the common term GAAP is used, which stands for Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Authors Alain Duncan   Duration 7 Hours Access 90 Days Category Financial Level Cross Train Version Date December 4, 2013 ​Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more

Contouring of irregular spatial data by hand has been used by geoscientists for many decades. Contouring using a computer is relatively new and has become more widely used in the earth sciences only in the last 20 years. The availability of inexpensive microcomputer hardware and software makes the use of a computer for contouring affordable for nearly everyone. Gridding and contouring software has become flexible enough to satisfy nearly all needs for contouring with speed and convenience. Computer contouring is not perfect, so it is necessary to constantly be on guard and check results for artifacts and make sure the contour results are representative of the data. This course will help build awareness of what to watch for when using each contour method, when a method is most suitable, and when it is not. Since the early 1980's, we have experienced a significant increase in access to computer programs for contouring, as well as a large variety of computer algorithms. Books have been written about the algorithms and how they are used. The purpose of this course is to pull together information on the most commonly used contouring algorithms and reveal the 'secrets' of how and why they are used. These 'secrets' are not really secrets, but to find all this information you have to dig through many books, use the algorithms (hundreds of times) and observe results. We have explored all these resources for you and present the findings in this course. Hand contouring is still done by some people, and the first section of the course covers hand contouring methods, when to use them, and the pitfalls to avoid. Understanding hand contouring is a first step to using contour software effectively. Author Betty L. Gibbs Dr. Stephen A. Krajewski   Duration 17 Hours Access 90 Days Category Exploration Level Specialize Version Date January 18, 2010   ​Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More   Read more

Este curso introductorio sobre cianuro proporciona una introducción no técnica para el uso y manejo global del cianuro, incluyendo la producción de oro, química del cianuro, análisis, toxicidad, tratamiento, riesgos y manejo. Este curso está diseñado para proporcionar una amplia perspectiva del uso del cianuro y cómo se compara con otros químicos que se usan en el mundo. El cianuro fue utilizado por primera vez para la minería del oro en Nueva Zelandia y Sudáfrica hace más de un siglo. La cianuración sigue siendo uno de los métodos más eficientes para la lixiviación de oro y plata de las menas. El ácido cianhídrico (HCN) fue descubierto por el químico Sueco Carl Scheele en 1782. En gran parte, el temor y mal entendimiento que rodea al cianuro está relacionado con su uso en ejecuciones, como reactivo en guerra química y en incidentes como el de la cápsula de Tylenol y el suicidio en masa de Guyana hace muchos años. Existe mucha confusión y mala información en cuanto al impacto real del uso de cianuro en la industria minera de oro. Este curso introductorio intenta disipar los mitos y misterios que rodean al cianuro y proporcionar datos y cifras confiables. Cursos posteriores sobre el cianuro detallan aspectos técnicos específicos que se destacan en este curso introductorio. Este curso comienza con un examen de la producción, el uso y transporte del cianuro por el mundo, seguido por una discusión de sus propiedades técnicas, riesgos y manejo. Author Dr Terry Mudder   Duration 5 hours Access 90 Days Category Leadership Level Introduce Version Date July 19, 2011 ​Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more

Traditional mining project appraisal—discounted cash flow (DCF)—typically involves the use of static variables that remain unchanged across project life and the use of a constant discount rate to account for risk, which ultimately provides a singular view of project value across time. Such a passive management approach is fast becoming outdated. Modern project appraisal should be dynamic and flexible to accommodate changing market conditions by constantly evaluating options to abandon, defer, open or expand a project while managing risk. This course introduces and explores modern project appraisal techniques with a view to increasing expected value. Scope This course focuses on the use of modern project appraisal techniques culminating in the introduction of real option valuation (ROV) applied to mining projects. While traditional project appraisal concepts form the basis for the modern approach discussed, the in-depth use of these remain beyond the scope of this course. It is recommended that participants complete the Introductory Mining Project Evaluationcourse (see Related Courses tab) for a full account and discussion of traditional project appraisal concepts. Authors Dr. Micah Nehring Ph.D. Dr. Sean Shafiee Ph.D.   Duration 17 Hours Access 90 Days Category Financial Level Specialize Version Date June 29, 2016 ​Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more

Who Should Participate? People active in the design and operation of surface mines for coal and other bedded materials such as china clay, phosphate, tar sands, uranium, etc. People who prepare reclamation plans for these mines. Similarly, people who prepare permit applications and environmental impact assessments for these mines. Environmental resources and reclamation managers What You Will Learn Part 1 provides an introduction and glossary of terms. Part 2 discusses the "Nature of coal-mine overburden," including distribution of coal fields in North America, the kinds of sedimentary strata found typically above and below the coal, the connection between the depositional environment and the types of contaminants found in the overburden, and the connection between rhealogical changes when the overburden is submerged in a groundwater regime and the rock types. In Part 3 we look at "Overburden Analysis" and the kinds of tests that can be used to predict contamination and rhealogical changes. Part 4 looks at "Potential reclamation problems from routine overburden handling," which is a catalog of potential problems and is meant to reinforce the need for good planning of overburden handling. Part 5 goes over the process of "Disposal of inimical material," which is often essential to the economic success of a surface mine but can lead, if done haphazardly, to the need for almost perpetual care and treatment of discharged waters. In Part 6 we get to the heart of the course, for which the earlier materials provide the foundation, "Improved handling techniques of surface coal-mine overburden." Examples are presented and diagnosed for each of the major coal surface-mining geometries. Part 7 - Conclusions reviews the major parts of the course and suggests that individual designs, responsive to the goals of the course, may need to be tested on sophisticated mine-design software to optimize production before buying capital goods. Authors Lee Saperstein Duration 12 Hours Access 90 Days Category Mining Level Specialize Version Date May 16, 2013 Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more

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