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Precipitation of Leach Solutions is the fourth in a series of four hydrometallurgy courses by the author, written for university students as well as practicing engineers and metallurgists. The Hydrometallurgy series covers the elementary theoretical basis of solution chemistry, the engineering aspects, and the technical applications for a large variety of raw materials, e.g. metals, oxides, sulfides, phosphates, silicates, and others. It also covers the purification-concentration steps such as adsorption on activated charcoal, ion exchange, and solvent extraction. Finally, the general aspects of precipitation from aqueous solutions are covered with numerous examples. The series is characterized by clear and simplified flowsheets, numerous chemical equations written mainly in ionic form, many illustrations for equipment and plants, and finally a lucid style presenting the facts point by point as concisely as possible. Hydrometallurgy 4 - Precipitation of Leach Solutions covers physical precipitation, the principles of crystals and crystallization, and engineering aspects and applications. It also covers chemical precipitation and the principles of ionic and hydrolytic precipitation as well as precipitation by reduction. Authors Fathi Habashi   Duration: 15 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Mineral Processing Level: Specialize Version Date: July 25, 2008   Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more

Este curso se desarrolla según un acuerdo de colaboración con Learning Strategies Group, una división de Simon Fraser University Business. Es parte de una serie de cursos sobre aplicaciones para la administración de negocios en minería.Comprender y manejar las interacciones entre el negocio, la comunidad y el gobierno se está convirtiendo en un componente de competencia administrativa y éxito organizacional cada vez más importante. El enfoque de este curso está en destacar la naturaleza y las dinámicas de interacción entre distintos actores con diferentes objetivos y preocupaciones (corporaciones mineras, comunidades, Primeras Naciones, grupos de interés, sindicatos, gobiernos) y el desarrollo de perspectivas, herramientas y estrategias que los líderes y gerentes de hoy pueden usar en terreno y en la sala de reuniones. Algunos ejemplos de los temas tratados, incluyen: Comprender responsabilidad y relaciones; Reconocer poder y valores; Convertir diferencias en ventajas; Crear expectativas claras como una base para relaciones que funcionan eficazmente; Desarrollar la capacidad de anticipar problemas y establecer estructuras proactivas para abordar las discusiones cuando éstas surgen; Reconocer y valorar las relaciones como ventajas; Saber cómo y cuándo usar negocación y consenso de manera apropiada y eficaz dentro de las organizaciones y con intereses externos y partes interesadas; Crear resultados sustentables mediante relaciones sustentables. Traducción al español La traducción de este curso al español ha sido auspiciada por Goldcorp Central America. Authors Glenn Sigurdson QC   Duration: 8 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Environment Level: Specialize Version Date: Mayo 6, 2011   ​Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more

Off-site road transportation (access roads) to mining operations (public or private, semi-private) poses a series of unique challenges to people in charge of their Safety, Security and Hazard Management. This course draws information from a number of real life studies performed on this type of road by the authors, and presents them following the logic of a Safety, Security and Hazard Management Report that could be prepared for a mine access road going from fictional "Gate A" to "Mine B," crossing a variety of terrain and subject to an array of geo-environmental and human-made hazards. This course is generic enough to be relevant to various different situations and environments around the world. The course is divided into five steps, which correspond to those necessary to compile a Safety, Security and Hazard Management Report, namely: Step 1: Preliminary Data Gathering; Step 2: Generic Preliminary Inspection/Review of the Road; Step 3: Specific Aspects Linked to Mining Roads; Step 4: Hazard Identification Primer; and Step 5: Possible Mitigations. Steps 1 through 3 are combined in Part 1: Introduction and Preliminary Tasks. Step 4 is presented in Part 2: Hazard Identification Primer, and Step 5 is found in Part 3: Possible Mitigations. Three technical appendices deliver specific information that will help road managers to design specific signals and signage. This course makes references to prior Edumine courses by F. Oboni and C. Oboni (Risk and Decision Making and Engineering for Success in Mining) whenever necessary, but neither requires their knowledge nor repeats any information already presented on risk assessment, risk, or management. Authors Franco Oboni Cesar Oboni   Duration: 7 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Safety Level: Spcialize Version Date: September 11, 2012   ​Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more

Mining involves the design, construction, operation, and closure of many geotechnical structures, including: access roads, structural building pads and foundations, ponds, tailings facilities, heap leach pads, and waste rock dumps. Geosynthetics are polymeric materials used extensively in mine geotechnical structures to enhance the performance of such structures. Geosynthetics are used in conjunction with soils and rocks to increase the overall strength of these materials, to control seepage from mine wastes and through soils and rocks, and to separate soils of different gradation and hence to limit piping and potential failure of soil structures. This course introduces you to the types of geosynthetics used in mine structures, to the ways in which geosynthetics may be used to build safe mine structures, and to the many details that will make it possible for you to use geosynthetics at your mine to reduce costs and protect the environment. This course describes many case histories of the successful use of geosynthetics in mining, thereby introducing concepts, ideas, details, and practical applications that you may copy or adapt to the specifics of your mine's needs and facilities. Authors Jack Caldwell Colleen Crystal Tarik Hadj-Hamou   Duration: 9 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Geotechnics Level: Specialize Version Date: September 3, 2014   ​Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more

Si usted es un geólogo de exploración, un ingeniero de minas, un ingeniero metalúrgico, un contador de minas o un profesional de cualquier otra especialidad relacionada con la minería, en algún momento le pedirán hacer una estimación de costos, se sienta calificado o no. Después de todo, la minería es un esfuerzo económico y, después de la seguridad, el costo de la minería y sus procesos relacionados es una de las consideraciones más importantes en ese esfuerzo. Este curso presenta una introducción a las metodologías de estimación de costos, y lo prepara para completar una estimación fiable. El curso se centra en los métodos de estimación de costos detallados en el contexto de un plan de la mina. Cubre los costos de excavación, carga, transporte, perforación y equipos auxiliares, así como los costos de suministros, personal, descarpe y otros requerimientos. La imagen que aparece arriba es cortesía de Dave Schumacher. Traducción al español La traducción de este curso al español ha sido auspiciada por AngloGold Ashanti - La Colosa. Authors Otto Schumacher   Duration: 15 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Financial Level: Specialize Version Date: Febrero 23, 2012   ​Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more

The Case for Proactive Risk/Crisis Evaluation During the last 20 years, experts monitored the crisis readiness of the Fortune 500 companies and classified them in two groups: proactive companies that evaluated and prepared for crises; reactive companies that dealt with crises as they occurred. The results of that long term monitoring effort were simple. The proactive companies: live longer face less crises do better in financial terms have a better corporate reputation Crisis prepared companies: suffer fewer crises recover faster are more profitable The frightening reality highlighted by this research was that less than 25 percent of the Fortune 500 companies were proactive! There are no immune industries... mining is as susceptible to risk and crises as any other industry. This course will show you how to be proactive, and give you the background and tools to evaluate risk and to plan and prepare for crises. In short, it will show you how to engineer for success in mining. Authors Franco Oboni Cesar Oboni   Duration: 10 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Leadership Level: Specialize Version Date: December 9, 2008   ​Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more

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