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Este curso está dirigido a cualquier persona interesada en las relaciones comunitarias sustentables en la minería: profesionales, gerentes, encargados de regulaciones, ONG, líderes de la comunidad y estudiantes graduados. En este curso se explica cómo una compañía minera puebe obtener y mantener una licencia social para operar.Se presenta un caso de negocio para recursos dedicados a la licencia social y se describe el retorno que espera una compañía de cada nivel de licencia. El curso también explora lo que se puede hacer para que el otorgande de una licencia sea políticamente más estable, con el fin de reducir el riesgo sociopolítico y mejorar la disposición de la comunidad para un desarrollo sustentable. El curso muestra de qué manera se superponen estas actividades y las áreas de responsabilidad social corporativa, ciudadanía corporativa e informes sustentables. En este curso se explica qué es una licencia social, por qué es importante para las compañías mineras y cómo la teoría de gerencia general conocida como la "visión de dependencia del recurso de la ventaja competitiva" explica de qué manera las relaciones con las partes interesadas afectan la factibilidad y el éxito de un proyecto. También se describen los cuatro niveles de licencia social y los tres criterios de límites que se deben cumplir para pasar de un nivel a otro; se examinan factores comunes que pueden provocar que el nivel de licencia social suba o baje. Además se indagan los conceptos de análisis de licencia social para explorar las diferentes formas en que una comunidad podría ser incapaz de emitir una licencia social que sea durable y legítima socialmente y ve más allá de las políticas de las partes interesadas en los patrones de capital social que pueden mejorar la capacidad de una comunidad para emitir una licencia social sólida, al tiempo que eleva el nivel de la licencia social que entrega al comunidad a la compañía. También se integra la obtención y la mantención de una licencia social con tareas relacionadas en los campos de responsabilidad social corporativa, informes sustentables y mejoras de reputación corporativa. Authors Robert Boutilier Ian Thomson   Duration: 9 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Leadership Level: Specialize Version Date: Septiembre 15, 2014 Read more

Ce cours fournit une introduction non technique aux concepts fondamentales d'exploration minérale, d'extraction de minerai, de traitement de minerai, et de la gestion des terres stériles, avec plusieurs exemples, des figures et des images d’exploitation minière. Aussi inclus sont quelques aspects clés de l’économie d’une operation d’exploitation minière et du traitement du minerai, et quelques idées à propos de l'avenir de l’exploitation minière. Introduction à l’exploitation minière et au traitement du minerai est pour toutes les personnes (sauf les ingénieurs des mines) qui ont besoin d'une compréhension en général de l'industrie minière sans les détails techniques... des investisseurs, comptables et fournisseurs... aux géologues, chimistes et métallurgistes. La présentation de ce cours est picturalle et conceptuelle, avec un format léger et facile à lire. Le cours comprend 33 sessions courtes, chacune d’environ 15 minutes, ainsi que cinq révisions interactives qui confirment la réussite des objectifs du cours. La durée totale du cours est d’environ huit heures. ​Authors Dr. Scott Dunbar   Duration: 8 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Mining Level: Introduce Version Date: Août 23, 2010   Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more

Field Portable X-ray Fluorescence analyzers are quickly becoming prevalent within the mining industry. The ease of use, reliability and accuracy provided by this technology allow for quick decision making at low cost in real time. This course introduces the technology, application, operation and safety issues of field-portable XRF instrumentation. Authors Daxton Curry   Duration: 4 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Exploration Level: Specialize Version Date: December 13, 2010   Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more

This course is intended for those who have to model groundwater conditions at mines, as well as those who have to review and approve groundwater models. It is also intended for all who may have to make decisions about mines on issues that are controlled or affected by groundwater and the modeling of mine groundwater conditions. Finally, the course is intended for all who may be interested in or affected by groundwater at mines worldwide. These are the primary topics of this course. Mine groundwater conceptual models Setting up a mine-related groundwater model Calibrating the conceptual model Making predictions about future groundwater conditions during and after mining Open pits and groundwater Underground mines and groundwater Tailings, waste rock, and leach pad facilities and groundwater Mines, groundwater, and environmental impact Groundwater modeling examples in this course are provided by Soilvision Systems. Authors Jack Caldwell Bernard Brixel   Duration: 11 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Geotechnics Level: Specialize Version Date: March 22, 2013   Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More   Read more

En este curso analizaremos el balance de agua y de masa química de una faena minera y los numerosos componentes o instalaciones que conforman una mina. Existen tantos balances de agua y de masa química como existen minas. Y existen tantos balances de masa como instalaciones en una mina. En esta oportunidad, centraremos nuestra atención en las principales teorías y fundamentos que estarán acompañados de ejemplos que servirán de guía y ayuda cuando usted deba preparar balances de agua y de masa química para su mina y para las diversas instalaciones que en ella existan. Este curso es parte de una serie de cursos relacionados, que incluye: Aguas subterráneas en minería Manejo de aguas superficiales en minas Traducción al español La traducción de este curso al español ha sido auspiciada por Goldcorp Central America. Authors Jack Caldwell P.E., MS.(Eng.), LLB   Duration: 14 Hours Access: 90 Days Category: Mining Level: Crosstrain Version Date: Abril 2, 2014   Read more

Practical Geostatistics 2000 - 1: Classical Statistics is the first of a set of two courses. The companion course is Practical Geostatistics 2000 - 2: Spatial Statistics. These courses are based on over 40 years of teaching statistics and geostatistics to mining engineers, geologists, hydrologists, soil scientists, climatologists, plus the occasional geographer, pattern recognition expert, meteorologist, statistician, and computer scientist. Even, on one occasion, an accountant. Over those years, we have endeavoured to pare away all extraneous mathematics and concentrate on intuitive derivations where possible. Readers interested in rigorous mathematical proofs are urged to stop here and turn to the more theoretically based material (a comprehensive bibliography is included). This course is not intended to turn out fully-fledged geostatisticians. It is intended for people with problems to be solved which can be assisted by a geostatistical approach. To benefit from this course you need to be fairly comfortable with basic algebra. That is, with the notion of using symbols as shorthand for longer statements. We have worked hard to bring you consistent notation throughout the course. Where notation is out of our control, we explain carefully what each symbol stands for and try not to use that symbol for anything else. Calculus—differentiation and integration—is discussed at various points in the text. The reader is not expected to do any calculus (as such) but is expected to know that the differential of x squared is 2x. The only other complication is the frequent use of simultaneous equations. We tend not to use matrix algebra in this course but will give the matrix form after explanations have been given in simple algebra. For example, linear regression is easier to understand if developed with algebra, but very simple to implement in spreadsheets if matrices are used. If we haven't scared you off yet, be reassured by the fact that all the analyses are illustrated with real data sets in full worked examples. Data sets and software can be downloaded from Ecosse Geostatistics. There are also exercises for you to try. Answers are available for you to check your results. Most of these exercises have been collected and used in classes or examinations at Final (Senior) Year and Master's levels. It is our own fundamental regret that this course cannot contain the jokes, anecdotes and sheer fun that we have giving the course in person. We do advise you, however, to keep your sense of humour and common sense at all times while taking this course.The principal topics covered by this course include... Why a Statistical Approach? The Normal (Gaussian) Distribution The Lognormal Distribution (and Variants) Discrete Statistics Testing Hypotheses Relationships The course comprises 24 viewing sessions, each of approximately 60 minutes duration, plus supporting figures, tables, worked examples, references and appendices, and interactive reviews that confirm your achievement of the learning objectives.The above picture is attributed to USACE HQ. This is a premium course which has been peer-reviewed by a committee appointed by the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) and the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME). Authors Isobel Clark William Harper   Duration: 25 Hours Access:  90 Days Category: Exploration Level: Intermediate Version Date: January 27, 2014   ​Need to train a team? Whether you're looking for a customized training program or developing a team, we have enterprise solutions to fit your needs. Learn More Read more

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